Dr. med. Raoul Edgard Cheuteu was born in Cameroon in 1968. After graduating from high school, he began studying medicine in Moscow, Russia. He was trained as a general practitioner at the Medical Faculty of the University of Grodno, Belarus (2005). He then completed his specialist training at the Eye Clinic of the University Clinic in Saransk, Russia (2005-2009). He obtained his license to practice medicine at the medical faculty of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU) Munich, Germany (2009). This was followed by his further scientific training and doctorate at the eye clinic in the LMU Munich Clinic, Germany, with Prof. Dr. Kampik, Prof. Dr. Ulbig and PD Dr. med. Marcus Kernt (2009-2012).
In July 2011 he left Munich and returned to his old homeland, Cameroon. There he opened together with Prof. Dr. Kagmeni the first eye clinic in Yaoundé in September 2011.
In spring 2012 he then opened his second eye clinic in Ambam / South Cameroon, again together with Prof. Dr. Kagmeni.
Dr. Cheuteu has been a member of the Lions Club Fraternité in Yaoundé since 2012.
Eye examination by Dr. Cheuteu at the Ngaoundal 2019 OP campaign
Dr. med. Raoul Edgard Cheuteu Tsane
BP: 7702 Yaoundé, Cameroun
Tel: +237 950 20 809
Email: rcheuteudocmed@yahoo.fr
Dr. med. Raoul Edgard Cheuteu Tsane
Marital status: married, two children
Nationality: Cameroonian
Date of birth: 07/30/1968
Place of birth: Ngaoundéré, Cameroon
1981 – 1988 Lycee de Dschang, Baccalauréat d´Cameroun
1988 – 1992 University Kinshasa, RD Congo, Graduate of medicine
1997 – 1998 Lipesk Pedagogical University, Russia, graduated with a diploma in Russian
1998 – 2004 University of Medicine in Grodno, Belarus. Graduated with a diploma in general medicine
2004 – 2005 Berlitz Language School in Frankfurt am Main, Germany
2005 – 2009 University of Saransk, Russia, specialist training in ophthalmology, qualification as specialist in ophthalmology
2012 Founder and head of the ophthalmology department, “Center Medico-Chirurgical d’Essos” clinic in Yaoundé
2012 Founder of the “VISA” eye clinic in Ambam
Discussion of upcoming eye operations at the Mora 2014 OP campaign
2006 VII. International Congress “Modern Technologies in Cataract and Refractive Surgery”, Russia
2007 VIII. International Congress “Modern Technologies in Cataract and Refractive Surgery”, Russia
2008 “Microsurgery and Glaukom”, S. Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Complex, Russia
2009 Ophthalmic Imaging, Germany (Optomap. Spectralis OCT, Fluorescence-angiographie & angiographie à l’indocyanine vert, Autoflurescence angiographie)
2009 Symposium & courses in electrophysiology, Germany
2009 Seminar for Tropical Ophthalmology, Germany
2009 Symposium Münchner Ophthalmologische Gesellschaft (MOC), Germany
2010 Advanced training course on prophylaxis, diagnostics and therapy of the ablatio retinae (Wackerkurs), Germany
2010 Advanced training course on intravascular injection of Ozurdex, Triamxinalon & Avastine, Germany
2010 Symposium of the “SOIE” Society for Ophthalmo-Immunoinfectiology in Europe, Austria
2010 Training in the use of “NAVILAS” and the treatment of macular edema in diabetic retinopathy, Germany
2015 Advanced training course in Small Incision Cataract Surgery at the Mahatme Eye Bank & Eye Hospital in Nagpur, India
February – September 2009 Fellowship in Pediatric Ophthalmology (Strabismology, Neuro-ophthalmology, Orthoptics), LMU Munich Eye Clinic, Germany
2009 – 2010 Fellowship in Uveitis, LMU Munich Eye Clinic, Germany
2009 – 2011 Scientific further education and doctorate at the Medical Faculty of the LMU Munich, Germany
Medical Retina
Diabetic retinopathy
Laser treatment of the retina with «NAVILAS»
Diabetic retinopathy
Ophthalmic Imaging
November 2010 DAAD training agent for advanced training courses for African ophthalmologists as part of the agent program, Afro-German-Eye-Net in Yaoundé
Examination with the slit lamp microscope at the Eséka 2017 OP campaign
1993 – 1996 Worked as a nurse in Cameroon
1997 – 1998 Worked as a nurse in Russia
1998 – 2000 Nursing internship, Grodno University Hospital, Belarus
2000 – 2003 Representative of the NGO «HELP» in Moscow, Russia
Januar – März 2005 Internship in anesthesiology and intensive care medicine at the “Gynecology & Obstetrics Clinic in Yaounde”, Cameroon
2005 Voluntary support of the NGO «ADRA» in Chennai, India
2005 – 2011 Voluntary support for the NGO «WOFAM», Cameroon
2005 – 2009 Specialist training in ophthalmology in Saransk, Russia
2012 – heute Ophthalmologist at the “Center Medico-Chirurgical d’Essos”, Yaoundé
2012 Co-founder of the Center for Ophthalmology “VISA” in Ambam
2013 Initiator of the German association “Augenhilfe Afrika e.V.” to organize the establishment and operation of a mobile eye clinic in underprivileged regions of Cameroon
2016 Co-founder of the Fondation Médicale Kacheu in Ambam
Cameroonian Ophthalmological Society
German Ophthalmological Society (Deutsche Ophthalmologische Gesellschaft)
Lions Club „Fraternité“ District 403 B, Yaoundé, Cameroon
- Uveal coloboma: about 3 cases at the University Teaching Hospital, Yaounde, Cameroon. Giles K, Raoul C, Yannick B, Peter W. Pan Afr Med J. 2016 Jul 8;24:201. eCollection 2016.
- Pain and accuracy of focal laser treatment for diabetic macular edema using a retinal navigated laser (Navilas). Kernt M, Cheuteu RE, Cserhati S, Seidensticker F, Liegl RG, Lang J, Haritoglou C, Kampik A, Ulbig MW, Neubauer AS. Clin Ophthalmol. 2012;6:289-96. doi: 10.2147/OPTH.S27859. Epub 2012 Feb 27.
- Focal and panretinal photocoagulation with a navigated laser (NAVILAS®). Kernt M, Cheuteu R, Vounotrypidis E, Haritoglou C, Kampik A, Ulbig MW, Neubauer AS. Acta Ophthalmol. 2011 Dec;89(8):e662-4. doi: 10.1111/j.1755-3768.2010.02017.x. Epub 2010 Oct 14. No abstract available.
- A rare case of Loa Loa in the anterior chamber of a unilateral eye Raoul C, Giles K
- Anterior Chamber Live Loa Loa. Clinical Medicine Insights: Case Report. Giles K, Raoul Cheuteu; G. Kagmeni; S. Thurau
- Aphakia correction by injection of foldable intra ocular lens in the anterior chamber. Giles K, Ernest M, Christelle D, Georges NT, Raoul C, Come EM, Wiedemann P. Ophthalmol Eye Dis. 2013 Dec 1;5:17-22. doi: 10.4137/OED.S12672. eCollection 2013
- Pain and accuracy of focal laser treatment for diabetic macular edema using a retinal navigated laser (Navilas). Pubmed
Dr. Cheuteu during cataract surgery at the Ngaoundal 2019 OP campaign